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Make a contribution today to support our financial literacy and capability programs that help build solid financial foundations in low income communities.


financial literacy and capability



MoneyWISE is a financial literacy and capability program that teaches budgeting, importance of saving, credit and debt responsibility as the foundation and building blocks to financial wealth, independence, stability and empowerment. There is an adult program and a separate teen program. Our program is hands-on and interactive with students utilizing video, budgeting software, excel spreadsheets and a workbook. The program consists of classes designed to teach the following money principals:

  •   Budgeting is not just for the rich or those with money
  •   Savings is the start of wealth creation
  •   You control your money…don’t let your money control you
  •   Everyone needs a budget

Learn more about our MoneyWISE Adult program and our MoneyWISE Youth programs and register for a class today.


in-school financial literacy

Our in-school financial literacy and capability program is designed to teach students financial terminology, basic money management, how the financial system works, the responsible use of credit and debt, as well as basic investing (including understanding retirement accounts). Students learn the role money and finances play in everyday life and how to apply this knowledge to their futures. The program is flexible and can be tailored to work with the time frames of most schools and classes. This program is available for classes from grades K-12.

Classes are taught using a variety of interactive, age appropriate materials and different types of media. Get more information and details about how to bring these programs to your school or class.


community workshops and organization support

The One Less Foundation is able to support other agencies and organizations by providing workshops and our full programs to them. We understand that not everyone is in need of a six-week course or has the time to meet weekly, to assist those individuals we also offer short 60-90 min. one-time workshops and seminars that are open to the community at large. The seminars focus on various financial topics similar to the ones covered in the six-week program, but are not quite as in-depth; however they will provide a wealth of information that will ensure you are more knowledgeable when you leave. 

Find out how we can help and provide assistance to you and your organization by contacting us or completing on-line request form or downloading this request form and submitting it.