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Make a contribution today to support our supplemental education programs that bridge the academic gap for students from under-resourced schools and communities.



adult education programs

For adults seeking to expand their options for employment and need to obtain a GED to improve those opportunities, we offer a 12-week course to help prepare for the GED test. For adults attending or returning to college, we also offer our access to them to The Reading Workshop and Writing for College classes.

Learn more about our GED Prep class and The Reading Workshop and Writing for College to get ready for higher education classes and register today for a class.


To support students in their educational pursuits and to supplement their classwork from school, we offer programs to help increase their readiness for higher education and successful graduation.

Our youth education programs after school tutoring, SAT/ACT Test Prep and college preparation courses, including our summer College Bound program and RISE Scholarships.

Learn more about and register for the RISE Supplemental Education programs

In-School Discovery Program

The Discovery program is taught to students as a class in partnership with schools and teachers. The goal of the Discovery program is to help children learn that their opportunities in life are limitless and to understand how they can create the futures they want for themselves. The program works with students from the beginning to the end of their primary education as the Discovery is offered to students in K-12th grades. The curriculum includes a self-assessment test for students to learn about their natural strengths and abilities. For students in the middle and high school programs there is an additional self-test to help them identify careers and occupations that match to their interests, strengths and abilities.

Get more information about Discovery and how to bring it to students in your school or class.